by Elsha McGill in
eSports Betting News

The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), which is one of the world’s leading jurisdictions for online gambling licenses, is the latest gaming authority to enter a partnership with the E-sports Integrity Coalition (ESIC). The MGA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ESIC which aims to protect players and maintain the integrity of the e-sports and e-sports betting industries.

ESIC is a not for profit organisation established in 2015 by key esports stakeholders to ensure the e-sports industry runs free from match manipulation, cheating, betting fraud, online attacks, doping and other integrity issues unique to the world of esports.

The MoU between ESIC and MGA aims to promote cooperation between the two organisations to ensure the e-sports industry runs free from manipulation. As part of the agreement, the Malta Gaming Authority and its licensed gaming operators will be required to provide information about any “suspicious betting patterns” to assist ESIC with investigations into suspected insider betting or match fixing.

ESIC Integrity Commissioner Ian Smith said, “We are delighted that the Malta Gaming Authority has agreed to work with us in making e-sports a safer wagering environment.

“The MGA is a very highly respected regulator of sports betting and it has been a pleasure developing this information sharing mechanism with them. Adding the experience and vital information of our other partners in the information exchange to the Authority’s intelligence database and vice versa will undoubtedly strengthen all our efforts considerably.”

The MGA is an independent regulatory body responsible for overseeing and governing all gambling activity in Malta, both online and land based. The organisation aims to ensure all gaming is conducted fairly, transparently and free from crime or corruption.

Working under the laws set by The Lotteries and Other Games Act 2001, the MGA works to protect minors and vulnerable players, safeguard player rights, promote responsible gambling practices and ensure the integrity of all games and gaming devices.

The MoU with ESIC is further proof of Malta’s commitment to remaining one of the world’s leading gambling jurisdictions, and will help attract operators to seek licensing from the MGA.

MGA Chairman Joseph Cuschieri said, “Keeping abuse and crime out of sports betting is high on our agenda and the MGA will always be at the forefront to collaborate in such matters both locally and internationally”.

In March this year, the UK Gambling Commission also signed a MuA with ESIC to further improve the integrity of the e-sports gambling scene in the United Kingdom.

At the time of signing the agreement, UK Gambling Commission programme director Richard Watson said, “Esports is a developing sector that offers new challenges for the betting industry, with potential for further market growth.

“This agreement demonstrates our commitment to supporting ESIC in addressing the potential integrity risks, to help maintain public confidence in esports both as entertainment and for those who wish to place bets on British licensed markets”.

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